
"Intelligence is 49 percent genetic and 51 percent stimulation," Frank Lawlis, Ph.D, American Mensa's supervisory psychologist and author of The IQ Answer.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Vocabulary/Word Study

As we begin our new adventure in "Word Study/Vocabulary" the Speller's Choice options should change.  How can you help your child study for his or her vocabulary test? Here are some following tips (we also wrote them in our planners):
Read & Sign-Read the words and the definitions and have your parent or guardian sign off
Sentences-Write the word in a sentence
Definitions-Write the word and the definitions
Match-Match the words with the definitions (create your own page or use the SpellingCity website and print out.)

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Magnet science

We have begun a new unit in Science....MAGNET EXPLORATION! First, we needed to learn about the different poles (north and south) of a magnet and the terms attract and repel. To help the students understand this, we played a game of  magnet tag wherein they had to find a matching pole (north-south) and stand back to back to be safe. They had a blast!