
"Intelligence is 49 percent genetic and 51 percent stimulation," Frank Lawlis, Ph.D, American Mensa's supervisory psychologist and author of The IQ Answer.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Apples and Actions

2K students completed an "Apples & Actions" project to learn and talk about kid respectful behaviors.  Students used apples as an analogy to connect their actions to how others feel.  Apples appear different on the outside, but on the inside they are similar.  If you are careless with an apple, it will end up bruised and dented or even busted.  People are the same way, if we are unkind or disrespectful, people can have their feelings bruised.  The students completed a Venn Diagram, sorted examples of good kind actions and disrespectful actions, then completed a summary sheet with a partner.