
"Intelligence is 49 percent genetic and 51 percent stimulation," Frank Lawlis, Ph.D, American Mensa's supervisory psychologist and author of The IQ Answer.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Apples and Actions

During their recent bullying and teasing unit, 2K recently  used apples as an analogy to further and deepen their understanding of kind and respectful behaviors.  The class compared apples, discussed how to care for them, then connected all this to their actions.  Just as apples are bruised by carelessness, when we are careless with our words and actions we can bruise another one's feelings.  The class used a venn diagram while comparing their red and green apples, then when connecting apples to actions discussed unkind and disrespectful behaviors that might bruise another's feelings.  A T-chart comparison was taken home to complete for homework then discussed again as a class.  This  wonderful activity by R. Davies  I found online called "Apples and Actions" and it was really a great experience for the class!  Thank you to Mrs. Brooks for supply our fresh apples from her family's recent trip to an apple orchard!

Proper Common Noun People

While learning about proper nouns and common nouns the class created mini common and proper noun people.  The common nouns were (like common nouns are) non-specific, and the proper nouns were colorful and specific (specific names).  Below are some pics from our proper noun - common noun town-

September News and Classroom Happenings

Last month we learned many new math computation (adding & subtracting proficiency) strategies; one of the strategies learned was "Make Ten".  To practice our skills, we played a game called "Bullwinkle", in which the students had to use their antlers (or hands) in silence with their partner and make a group of ten.  Below are some pics of the children in action.....

Saturday, October 5, 2013

World Food Day

World Food Day is soon...BSS will be collecting donations for Sisters of Mercy Outreach.  Grades k-2nd will be collecting the following items:  peanut butter, jelly, cookies, and crackers.  Help us be good stewards of the community, send your child to school with your World Food Day donation items!